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PC Building Simulator – a console update (part 4)


Today, we’d like to provide a status update on where we’re at with console development, our first post returning to the topic is an overview of where we’re currently at. Our current intention is to provide a series of more in depth developer blogs running through to release day. As of writing we’re still aiming to ship the next update in Q1 2021 as outlined in September’s news.

For some extra background, you can find our previous posts on console updates here (1, 2, 3).


Following on from September’s bug fixes, the next console update will focus on addressing the disparity between platform versions, bringing all ports of PC Building Simulator in line with the incoming 1.10.0 release. Whilst we are still expecting this update to appear on PC’s first, we have early versions testing in parallel on each console platform including all the latest parts and current workshop DLCs. To make future blog posts more interesting we are also looking into what we can do to visually share this progress with fans.


Key to bringing this together on time and stepping up our porting efforts we’ve also switched developers, enlisting the help of another studio with a wealth of experience creating high quality console ports to take over the project.

Along with the recent parts and workshops merge they are currently working on per platform optimisations, setting sensible quality and frame rate targets for each console to provide a smooth gameplay experience. As part of the work going into individual platforms, we are also putting extra emphasis on testing save files and making additional considerations unique to each console. Suffice to say, fitting the giant AORUS workshop in Switch player’s pockets is a fun challenge.


Finally, as players on Discord noticed recently, PC Building Simulator has a new community manager dedicated to the game, Sam ‘Caliburn’ Hills. Having a dedicated community manager allows us to stay in tune with fans and commit to giving players more regular updates throughout development so please look forward to it.


Want to keep up with us between blog posts? Hang out and ask us questions in real time? Join us on all our official platforms here:


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